Our first funded project from this network is:
Project title: ''Charge carrier transportation in perovskite materials: an ultrafast x-ray absorption spectroscopic study''.
Researcher: Van Thai Pham (Sweden), Minh Tuan Trinh (USA) and Viet Mui Luong (Japan)
Amount: 100 000 SEK (10 000 euro) for equipments
Funder: The Walter Gyllenberg Foundation, Sweden
Time: 2021-2023

There are numerous sources containing scholarship information, such as Scholar4dev (link), Physicaloxy (link), Studyportal scholarships (link), Facebook group (link), etc.
European fund
Eramus + (link)
Marie Sklodowska-Curie H2020 Innovative Training Network (15 PhD positions) (link)
Each university has job vacancy that you can follow to apply the scholarships.
Doctorial School Contest
ANR national project
Paris Saclay cotutelle program for PhD (18 months UPS/18 months in another country (link)
Make our planet great again (MOPGA) (link)
Bourse Eiffel: PhD: 12 months (1700 €/month) (link)
They are offering 14 PhD positions in the field of experimental and theoretical AMO Physics or Physical Chemistry. The PhD students will be part of a research training group at the University of Freiburg, Germany, in collaboration with the UBC in Vancouver, Canada. More details can be found in the attachment and on the website: (link)
Doctoral Research Associate in Applied Physics
University of Munster
PhD Fellow in Physics
University of Copenhagen Niels Bohr Institute